Friday, September 17, 2010


You came in looking for shoes and we ended up talking about the existence of the color council and the necessity of focused art making time. You commented that no matter what you are doing, you are doing it creatively because you are a creative being. Creativity infuses everything you do.

I think, “Everything is art.”

I hear people talk about “creative sustainability” and how we need to think of new ways to use the resources we have on hand as a means to survival. But what about “sustainable creativity”? What would your day look like if you made as much of your life as possible not merely a product of your creativity, but fuel for your creativity? What would happen if your daily tasks were not just a means to an end?

I think, “Everything is poetry.”

Everything dances and sings, if you’re willing to see it in that light. Everything is connected somehow. I know I’m not the first person to think this, and I certainly won’t be the last to have such an epiphany. But right now the thoughts have lined up in my brain, like planets in alignment to the sun. Things make sense right now, and I don’t feel so lost and alone.

I think, “Everything is sacred.”

As you walked out the door you said “I think we’re from the same tribe.”

I think, "You might be right."

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! I love the idea of sustainable creativity! The arts, all of them, are so vital to life and so many people just don't see the point. I am so glad to know you.
